お家で日本食 Japanese dishes at home

最近作った日本食。I made these dishes recently!

天ぷら、こんにゃくの甘辛煮、切り干し大根、揚げ出し豆腐 Tempura, Konnyaku with soy sauce and sugar, Dried simmered Daikon, Deep fried Tofu 

 大根とかいわれシーチキンノリのサラダ、ほうれん草のお浸し、鉄火巻き、かぼちゃの煮物、ナスのさっぱりぽん酢いため、豚の角煮。Daikon salad with tsuna&seaweed, Boiled spinatch, Thin sushi roll, Simmered pumpkin, Stirred egg plant with ponzu, Braised pork belly 

(密かに見える 山田錦♥︎) (You can see Yamadanishiki which is Japanese sake!)

そして白玉豆腐だんご  デザートに♥︎

And Dango with Tofu 

お友達と時々ランチ(≧∇≦)Sometimes we have them for lunch together.   



I hope Sakura grows well through my  Japanese foods!

