ブログ繋がりの方とお会いしました!I met a friend who has read my blog!

今日はブログで繋がった方とお会いしました!I met a woman who has been reading my blog for a couple of months! 

恐らくサンノゼに来て以来5-6人目かな?^_^ Probably she is the 5th or 6th person since I have met through my blog.

コメントを下さり、もしかしたら同じアパート群かも?と言う事で、なんと同じ建物でした(≧∇≦)she made a comment on my blog and said maybe we are in a same apartment! That’s true! 

私が住んでるところ、かなり大きなコミュニティの所なのですが、日本人率も高いのです。in my apartment, actually here is so big community, there are many Japanese living. 

娘さんも一緒にいらっしゃり、スタバでたくさんお話ししました。Her daughter came together and we stained at Starbucks and talked a lot!

以前からブログを読んで下さっていて、勇気を持ってコメントしてみたと!She said she made an effort to make her comment on my blog! 

ありがたいです〜(T ^ T) I’m so glad to hear that!

とても気さくな方で飾らず、笑顔も素敵でとても打ち解け易い方でした(^O^) She is open and easy! And her smile makes me feel relaxed! She was a nice person! 

図書館の英語の話など、私の経験も話しましたが、さくらよりお姉ちゃんのお子様がいらっしゃるので、いろいろと離乳食の話や、習い事の話などなどたくさん教えてもらいました^_^ I talked about my experiences of English and where to go to learn English in San Jose but I also asked many questions about nursing! Her daughter is older than Sakura, so she knows bout it better than me. 


I want to get along with her more from now on! 

同い年6人ベビー達と!6 babies born in 2014!


I met babies born in 2014 the other day! 


One baby was not here last time but today we all got together!


I always enjoyed myself to see them! 


I’m so glad to be able to share our happiness or struggles, good things or bad things with them.


I want to see them a lot but one friend will leave here to go back to Japan for good this month.  They came here, including us, because of their husband’s job. 4 people out of 6 here. 

今日はその子のお別れ会でした(T ^ T)

Today was the farewell for her and her baby. 


We can’t see each other so often but we promised that we can see when we go back to Japan sometimes! 



We don’t know when we move back to Japan but I want to be their friend forever! 

午年赤ちゃん集合!Got together born in 2014! Horse year!








I met babies born in 2014! We say 2014 is horse year! Horse year babies!

They born in Aug, Sepx2 and Dec. It’s so cute their way to grow is different. One can crow and ones can toss and turn (Sakura hasn’t it yet). The one born in Dec didn’t cry and play with older ones, so cute!! He could hold his neck up! It’s so sweet! He was like,  Sakura used to be… (#^.^#)





We had a pot luck party! We all sat down at the table but it’s a few minute we could talked together. Because some needed to feed, some needed to change a diaper, some needed to hold and make the baby sleep…. some went to see if the baby was sleeping….



So, we took all pictures at the beginning! This was the Baby Line as usual!






またみんなで集まりましょう!(*^▽^*) 次回は今日来れなかった子も一緒に!!


We had a blast!! Let’s get together soon!



オススメの街ロスアルトス!ブログで繋がった方とお会いしました Met a woman who contacted me through my blog at Los Altos

ブログで繋がった方とお会いしました!車がまだお持ちでなかったのでお迎えに上がりました(^^) I met a woman who made some comments on my blog the other day. I picked her up because she hasn’t have a car yet.

サンノゼに来ることがわかってから、日本から読んで下さっていたようです。そして先月サンノゼにいらっしゃいました(^^) She has been seeing my blog since she was in Japan! She came here last month.

嬉しい(≧∇≦)!!I’m so glad to hear that!

とっても話しやすく気さくでフレンドリーな方でした。She is so friendly and easy going! 

ブログもやっていらっしゃいます。私のことも書いて頂いてました!she wrote about me on her blog!

Santa Clara のんびり日記

今後もこちらこそ、さくらとともに仲良くして頂きたいと思います(^^) I want to be her friend as well! 

これまでこのブログを通してお会いした方は1年7ヶ月で7名! I have met 7 women through my blog since I came here in July 2013!

そして半分くらいはよく遊ぶお友達になってランチ行ったり。I hang out with some of them for lunch or shopping. 

私のお友達にも紹介してどんどん横の繋がりを作ってくれてるのをみると嬉しいです。I’m happy that they made friends after I introduced them to my friends.


I’ve started my blog as my diary but I got some comments and they said it’s very useful to read my blog because there are some information of nice restaurants, how to raise children here in the states etc. So I tried to write about useful things more (I think most of my articles are my dairy life though… It’s ok.

もし、お友達を作りたい方や、サンノゼに来たばかりの方などいましたら是非声かけてくださいね〜^_^ If you want to make friends here or just have got to San Jose and don’t know about here so much, you can contact me anytime!

お役に立てることが嬉しいので。I’m more happy to help you!!

今日もたくさんお話ししました!さくらもおとなしくしていてくれていて良かった。Today I talked with her a lot! I’m happy Sakura was a good girl too.

Saturaのバナナプリン 新作。This is a banana pudding! It’s new at Satura.

バナナかぁ〜と思ったけど、意外と美味しかったです(≧∇≦)I think it’s ok but it’s better than I expected! 

ロスアルトス、歩いていて可愛い看板ありました。大きな薔薇です!Presentというお店。ローカルのアーティストや農家の方々の商品を扱っているお店。とっても可愛いです♥︎ お店のスタッフさんもフレンドリーでいい感じの方。We walked around and found a big rose with sign! The shop name is Present.

There are some local foods, products and works which made by local artists. The staff is also friendly!

美味しそうなオレンジのオリーブオイルが売ってたけど約20ドル〜、、またの機会に。A orange Olive oil looked yummy but it costs &20…. So the next time.

ロスアルトス、可愛いキッチン用品や雑貨屋さん、ベビー用品などお店があって好きな街です(≧∇≦)I love Los Altos! There are some cute baby shops and shops for kitchen stuff etc. 

I wanna come here again soon. 

お別れ会ランチで絵本を頂いてしまいました Farewell lunch. Traditional picture book.

昨日は日本に本帰国される方と最後のランチに行ってきました。I had a lunch with my friend who is going to back Japan for good.

大学生のお子さんがいらっしゃる方。She has two collage students.

図書館の無料英会話の情報やチューターの情報などを教えてくださり、とても感謝している方です。And I so appreciated that she told me about some free Emglish conversation class at some libraries before.

さくらを産む前は週に3回ほど図書館の無料英会話に行っていました。I had attended some English classes at least 3 times a week  before I had Sakura.

ほんとその時のお友達のネットワークは大切で、このように日本に帰られてしまう人もいるのですが仕方がないことです。。(>_<)私もいつかそうなる時がくるのですから。it’s so important for me to have that kind of friends, I could make. But she can’t help leaving  Japan for good. I will be that person someday. 

お別れ会はしないと言われたので、最後にランチにでも!と思い誘いました。she said she didn’t want to do a farewell party so I invited her for lunch. 

さくらも産まれたての時からとっても可愛がってくれ、昨日も「大きくなったね〜」と言って成長を見守ってくださる方が一人いなくなるのはやはり寂しくなります。She has been seeing Sakura since she was born and today also she said “she grows a lot!”. I’m so sad one of my friends who have seen Sakura’s growth is leaving here…

最後に絵本を頂きました。She gave Sakura a picture book which is so famous in the world.


日本語だと「かもさんお通り」というそうです。In Japanese “kamo-san otouri”

中身は茶色と白の二色だけで絵が描かれています。It’s drew by only brown and white colors.

何故かというと、子供にどんな色なのか想像させるため。it’s because that children can imagine the colors of bird, sky, clouds, animals…etc. 

読み聞かせをしイメージを自分なりに広げることが良いとされてる絵本だと。it’s good for children to think about the colores and stories by themselves. 

アメリカの子供は必ずと言っていいくらい学校で読まれるもの Most children in America know in their school from long time ago. 

学校の先生をしているもう一人のお友達も去年小学生の読み聞かせに使ったそうです。The friend who also joined today’s lunch, she is a teacher, said that she read this book to her children in school too.

こんな風にアメリカの子供の教育にも触れられてとても幸せなことですね。I’m so glad to know about how American children grow up.

日本に私もいつか帰国したら、またお会いしたいと思います。I want to see her again when I go back to Japn.

ありがとうございました。Thank you so much.