お友達 Friendsふだんの日記 Daily Life

ブログ繋がりの方とお会いしました!I met a friend who has read my blog!

今日はブログで繋がった方とお会いしました!I met a woman who has been reading my blog for a couple of months! 

恐らくサンノゼに来て以来5-6人目かな?^_^ Probably she is the 5th or 6th person since I have met through my blog.

コメントを下さり、もしかしたら同じアパート群かも?と言う事で、なんと同じ建物でした(≧∇≦)she made a comment on my blog and said maybe we are in a same apartment! That’s true! 

私が住んでるところ、かなり大きなコミュニティの所なのですが、日本人率も高いのです。in my apartment, actually here is so big community, there are many Japanese living. 

娘さんも一緒にいらっしゃり、スタバでたくさんお話ししました。Her daughter came together and we stained at Starbucks and talked a lot!

以前からブログを読んで下さっていて、勇気を持ってコメントしてみたと!She said she made an effort to make her comment on my blog! 

ありがたいです〜(T ^ T) I’m so glad to hear that!

とても気さくな方で飾らず、笑顔も素敵でとても打ち解け易い方でした(^O^) She is open and easy! And her smile makes me feel relaxed! She was a nice person! 

図書館の英語の話など、私の経験も話しましたが、さくらよりお姉ちゃんのお子様がいらっしゃるので、いろいろと離乳食の話や、習い事の話などなどたくさん教えてもらいました^_^ I talked about my experiences of English and where to go to learn English in San Jose but I also asked many questions about nursing! Her daughter is older than Sakura, so she knows bout it better than me. 


I want to get along with her more from now on! 






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