今日は一時帰国前の最後のレッスンでした!台湾人の方で今回は3回目のリピーターです(*^_^*)嬉しいですね♥︎ Today was the last lesson before I go back to Japan for a month.
Today’s student was a Tiwanese who joined my classes 3rd times! I’m so glad.
今日もお子様も一緒に(^∇^)She took her daughter as well.
さくらと2人で仲良く?してました〜というのは望みで、実際はちょっと大変でしたがなんとか無事に終わりました(^^;; we hoped Sakura and her daughter would play together for a long time but actually they didn’t do it so much..,
ベビー2人とも抱っこして欲しくて泣いてしまって、、一人が野菜を切ったり作業したりしてる時は一人が見てる。または両手で2人を抱っこ!笑. They wanted to be held and cried … So when I cut vegetables, she watched them or held them together with both arms! Wow! And me too.
リビングでおとなしくしてない時はキッチンまで(^^;; ママの近くに来たいのです。布を敷いて。They wanted to come to us!
It’s fun to see them playing together even it’s a short time.
もし、子連れではない方が平日に来ることになったら、もう一人さくらを見ていてくれる人が必要だと思いました(^^;; I thought that if I have a student who wants to have the classes on weekdays and has no children, I need a friend who can watch Sakura! And of course the friend will join eating as well.
その場合はお友達を誘ってみようかな。子守をしてくれる人で、もちろん試食は一緒に!I think I will ask someone who can do it!
We made these dishes, Oyakodon and Okonomiyaki!
私はおネギが好きなので親子丼にもお好み焼きにも普段は入れます。I love green onions on top of them.
今日の生徒様もおネギが好きということでしたので、入れました!the student also like green onions so I put it on both of them.
かなりのボリューム!It’s big!
The Oyakodon is the most frequent recipe I cook! I made it for my husband’s Obento and for my lunch too! It’s easy to make and yummy!
お好み焼きは、小麦粉と山芋の割合はかなり研究しました。I tried to make it a lot to find the ratio of flour and Japanese sticky potatoes to be nice taste.
うちは山芋多めにしています(*^_^*) The ratio depends on people.
I put yam a lot!
There are a lot of Japanese home cooking recipes even one same dish. We say it’s standard but it’s deferent. It depends on books or on the internet, which says “the recipe which professional made”. It also depend on professionals!
But I told them the most standard ones. But I want them to arrange the tasted they like! Someone likes sweetener, someone likes salty, like that.
親子丼もお好み焼きも美味しいと言ってくださいました!she said today’s dishes were delicious!
I’m so happy she came always!
I’m really appreciated it!
Thank you very much!