お友達 Friends

台湾人のお友達とランチを!そうめんで魚介カッペリーニ? play with Tiwanese at my place! Somen capellini

お料理教室で数回参加してくださった方とお友達になり、子連れで遊びに来てくれました!台湾人の子です(^-^)/ Tiwanese who had joined for my cooking classes before came to my place the other day. 

一歳5ヶ月の子と(≧∇≦)with 15 months old girl! 

ランチを作りましたが、キッチンでも遊び放題 They played at my kitchen during I was cooking for our lunch. 

引き出しの中のタッパーとか袋とか〜。叱りもしなくどうぞ出して遊んで〜というスタンスです(笑) Ok! Feel free to play! Go ahead!! Lol! 


そうめんにいろんな具を入れたもの。そうめんの魚介カッペリーニとでも言うかな? I made Somen seafood capellini !!

タコ、アボカド、イカ、おくら、かいわれ、トマト。味付けは醤油、オリーブオイル、ワサビ!夏にはよくこれを作ります(^-^)/  I put octopus, squid, Ikura, bean sprouts and tomato seasoned soy sauce, Olive oil and wasabi! I make these in summer often! 
お友達も手づかみで食べてくれました(^-^)/  She ate with her hand!! Thanks!!


After the lunch they played a lot together!  
以前、教室をしていた頃(4月まで)はさくらはハイハイが出来ませんでした。そしてお友達は歩くことはまだでハイハイのみ Before, her daughter couldn’t walk but crawl. Sakura couldn’t crawl. 

でも今回はお友達はスタスタ歩いていて、さくらはハイハイでそこら中動き回れるように!But now she can walk and Sakura can crawl!! 

お互いの成長を見ながらいろんな話をしました。We talked about many things looking at their quick growth! 

中国語と英語をどうやって身につけさすか?とかシカゴに行ってから何をしたいかとか、子連れでどこに遊びに行くかとか、アメリカで無料で遊べる場所とか。We talked about how you make her daughter learn both language Chinese and Emglish, what will I do after I go to Chicago, where is good places to play for children and where is free places in America and so on. 


I was happy that she said she wanted to learn Japsnese dishes from me more. 


She joined some my classes on weekdays as well as on weekends. She is so friendly and kind. We talked about the differences of education and culture between Tiwan, America and Japan. This is international communication. I’m so sad that I have to move…. Just I became friend to her such a nice woman! 

これからも連絡取り合っていけたらいいなと思います。I want to continue our relationship! 


Each played with toys.

はいどうぞ、と渡してくれたり  She handed to Sakura “here you go”.


2人仲良し(≧∇≦)they are such a good friends!


またサンノゼに遊びに来るからねー!I want to come to San Jose again to see you!! 

シカゴにも来てね♥︎ come to Chicago too (*^_^*)



Sakura is heavier than her… It’s 5 months younger though… Lol! 

※写真掲載ありがとう!Thanks for your pictures! 







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