週末はまたハイキング〜 we went for hiking again last Sunday.
Point Lobos state reserveへ!To Point Lobos state reserve!
Yelpで500件近くレビューがあって5スター!ほんとお勧めです(^^) There are more than 500 reviews on Yelp and 5 stars!!! Really recommended!!
景色が最高!so nice views!!
人がたくさんいました。There were a lot of people there.
アップダウンがあまりないので気軽にお散歩感覚で楽しめます。アザラシの群れがいたり、可愛い植物がたくさん There are no up and down so you can enjoy it like taking a walk. There were many sea lions and cute plants too.
私好みの植物発見!笑 I love these kinds of plants. It’s my favorite!
カラーのお花にも似ています It looks like calla that’s I love!
名前なんて言うんだろ?ちっちゃい傘みたいで可愛くないですかー?(^^) but I don’t know their name… Don’tyou think it’s cute? 🙂
他にも黄色いお花や there were yellow tiny flowers too.
さくらみたいな花びら5枚のお花とか And this was like cherry bloosom.
お弁当も早起きして3人分。全体撮り忘れましたが。前日に料理教室で作ったものと同じ。唐揚げ、おにぎり、かぼちゃの煮物、卵焼き、タコ足ウインナー、きゅうりハムチーズの串刺し。I made Obento in the morning! It’s same dishes as the day before, cooking class, fried chicken, rice ball, simmered pumpkin, rolled omelet, Octopus-shaped sausage and cucumber, ham and cheese on a skewer.
前日の料理教室で作ったお弁当♥︎ this picture is the one I took at my cooking class.
そしてハイキングのあとは感じの良いレストランへ!!and I really recommend this restaurant near the hiking place!
海を眺めながらホウェールウォッチングも堪能できます(^^) !くじらの背びれや水を吹くのが見えました!you can enjoy here seeing ocean and whale watching as well!!
You should go to Point Lobos : )