Maiko's Japanese Cooking Class

第4回目料理教室終わりました!I’m done with 4th cooking class!

14日土曜日、お料理教室終わりましたー!I’m done with my cooking class on Saturday 14th!
やっぱり前日や直前まで緊張しますが、終わってしまうといつも良かったと思います。I’m always nervous… But I feel satisfied myself after the lesson. Thanks to them!

今日のメニューは、お弁当レシピ Today’s recipes were Obento (lunch box) dishes!

生徒様は4名 There were 4 students.

結構準備する材料が多く、準備時間ギリギリでした(^^;; さくらの授乳間隔もあまり上手くいかず、レッスン中泣きわめく声が。。夫が外にお散歩しに行ってくれたのでありがたかった。
今日もほぼ時間通りに終わりました。I prepared a lots of ingredients because of 6 dishes! so I finished it just on time! And during the lesson, Sakura was crying because the time between feedings were not good… so my husband took her our for a walk. That’s nice.


こんな感じで仕上がりました!We made these!!
定番のおにぎり、唐揚げ、卵焼き、かぼちゃの煮物、タコ足ウインナー。そして簡単に出来るハムチーズきゅうりの串刺しも。Onigiri (rice ball), Japanese style fried chicken, simmered pumpkin and octopus-shaped sausage. These are so common for the Obento box. And we made cucumber, ham and cheese on a skewer.
image (11)おにぎりは皆さまにも握ってもらいましたが、かなり難しかったようです。卵焼きも・・やはりこれは日本人の家庭のみで台湾の方にとっては初。難しそうだけど毎日練習だ!とおっしゃってました。They made rice ball by themselves but it seemed to be a little bit difficult to make a triangle-shaped rice ball. And also to make egg rolled omelet. We, Japanese cook rolled omelet almost everyday but they are not. Of cause they don’t have a rectangular pan. It’s good to hear that they said they are going to practice it every day!


おにぎりはの顔は、顔の形にノリを切れるノリカッターがダイソーにあり、使ってみました(^^) I found a face-shaped cutter for seaweed for rice ball seeing on my picture. That’s cute isn’t it?


次の日、彼女たちはピクニックだそうなので、何種類か覚えたのを作るとおっしゃっていました^_^ The next day, they said they are going to make some of today’s dishes for picnic! nice!

今日のうちお二人は3回目!リピーターになって頂いてとっても嬉しいです(*^▽^*) I’m always glad they join my class! Two of them came here 3rd times!

次は巻きずしを作りたいと。お友達連れて3人は予約済み♪ They told me they want to make rolled sushi next time. And they will bring her friend too.

巻きずしは、毎年実家で年末に作っていたので慣れています★I get used to make  rolled sushi because every new years eve we made it!


といっても、次のレッスンまでに我が家の食卓に巻きずしが並ぶ日は多くなることでしょう~ But as usual, my husband will eat it a couple of times for our supper until the next lesson! lol!

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